This past Tuesday AM we had a regularly scheduled followup with our cardiologist, Dr. Greene of Sanger clinic with Carolina's Healthcare System. Finn has been growing like a weed, sleeping great, eating great and overall a content and happy baby, but there's always that doubt in the back of your mind about something that you are maybe missing. The first thing that they checked was his oxygen level, since he was all cozied up and napping when we arrived, the nurse just took his oxygen reading on his wrist, of course it fluctuated up and down... kinda scary seeing a reading in the 80s... but then as it was consistently in the 96/97 range, I was reassured that anything 97 and over is normal... phew!
Then, I stripped him down to his diaper and weighed him. He came in at 13 pounds on the button and 24" long. He's definitely getting his baby rolls and the scale is showing it! The next thing we did was an EKG. Finn got all hooked up with sticky electrodes and he was such a champ. He didn't make a peep. I'm pretty sure he was thinking, "Seriously is this all you got... I've been through way worse!"
#notimpressed |
After that, the nurse took the EKG results to the doctor and we waited for a bit. Finn was all smiles and coos and really is a great mood. I was preparing him for a possible echo, he was nice and milk drunk with his paci on standby and super cozy in his blankie.
Look at that scar! Healing up quite nicely! |
Dr. Greene came in and asked how Finn has been doing at home. Overall, I feel like his is a regular baby without any special needs. He's been eating every 3-4 hours, has been sleeping 6-7 hours straight through the night, is content a good majority of the time, a little high maintenance in the diaper department (surely doesn't like a wet diaper and he lets us know about it!)... overall a regular 3 month old baby! Dr. Greene said that the EKG is exactly what he would expect with the specific heart defect that Finn has. He hears a small murmur, exactly what he would expect to hear. He also said that to do a complete fix on this specific defect in a newborn is not that common, but he believes that our surgeon, Dr. Maxey did an outstanding job and just as we have been expecting, Finn should not need another procedure until young adulthood (late teens/20s). Since there are no problems or anything to be concerned about, there was no need to do an echocardiogram on Finn today! yay!!!

Dr. Greene said that he is in great shape, plumping up nicely and if he wouldn't have known he had surgery, he would think that Finn is just like any other baby out there.
Since the cold and flu season is coming to an end, Dr. Greene said that we can loosen up on our visitation, unless of course you are currently ill with sneezing and coughing every couple minutes. We are so excited to finally let friends and family meet Finn! If you wanna schedule a visit, please let us know!
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter! Finn's 1st Easter was uneventful, he didn't even get to see the Easter bunny, but we will make that happen next year I think, I'm sure he will be terrified! LOL
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